What is Exercise Physiology?

Exercise physiology (EP) is an established therapeutic service for many chronic medical conditions [2]. Accredited Exercise Physiologists (CEPs) are tertiary qualified allied health professionals who prescribe scientific exercise interventions.

What is Exercise Physiology?

The human body’s responses to exercise and ability to adapt over time are fascinating. That is why it is no surprise that people are increasingly interested in studying and working in IHG exercise physiology Adelaide. This field of study is considered a subfield of kinesiology, and it explores the relationships between physical activity, health, fitness, and sport.

As an exercise physiologist, you will use scientific research to help individuals of all ages achieve the most significant physical fitness possible for their specific condition and lifestyle. This can involve helping people recover from injury, assisting in weight loss or helping athletes reach their highest performance levels in a particular sport.

Exercise physiology is an interdisciplinary field, and it often draws on the work of other disciplines, such as biology, chemistry, biomechanics, and nutrition, to understand the effects of exercise on the human body. In addition, many of the latest techniques in genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics are now being applied to exercise science.

There are several different types of exercise physiology, and each style has its unique benefits. For example, one type focuses on the impact of muscle strength training on skeletal structure and function. Another type focuses on the influence of cardiovascular exercise on heart health. Still, other areas of specialisation include metabolic physiology, neuromuscular physiology, bone and mineral metabolism, endocrinology, and the effects of exercise on muscle wasting, osteoporosis and pregnancy.

When studying exercise physiology, you’ll take courses in anatomy, biology, chemistry, physics, kinesiology, and nutrition. To become a registered clinical exercise physiologist, you must also complete laboratory studies and hands-on clinical experiences.

A bachelor’s degree in IHG exercise physiology Adelaide or a related study area will prepare you for graduate school, where you can become a physical therapist, occupational therapist, athletic trainer, or chiropractor. You can also enter the workforce with a bachelor’s degree and find employment as a personal trainer, physical therapist assistant or fitness instructor.

Why Exercise Physiology?

Regular exercise is widely known to be an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, reducing the risk of some of Australia’s most prominent killer diseases and improving overall health. However, it’s often unclear how exercise delivers its benefits. That’s where the field of exercise physiology comes in.

The study of exercise physiology delves into how the body responds and adapts to physical activity, emphasising effective exercise methods in healthy and health-compromised individuals. It is a highly applied science with applications in various situations, from enhancing athletic performance to preventing and managing chronic disease and injury.

For example, two studies from the Department of Kinesiology Exercise and Metabolism Research Group at McMaster University found that isometric handgrip (IHG) exercise significantly reduced systolic blood pressure and improved carotid artery diameter in patients taking medication for hypertension. These improvements were attributed to increased shear stress that generated asymmetrical elastin fibres within the vessel walls, resulting in vasodilation.

Likewise, another study showed that IHG exercise physiology Adelaide also significantly reduced diastolic blood pressure and peripheral arterial diameter in people with diabetes, again due to shear stress and the generation of vasodilator COX products. Both of these changes were mediated by the skeletal muscle pump, with a rapid withdrawal of sympathetic vasoconstrictor activity and an increase in vascular smooth muscle cell relaxation and permeability.

In addition, IHG training increases blood flow and oxygen utilisation by skeletal muscles during the exercise period, which is a consequence of the increased shear stress and the activation of the asymmetrical elastin fibres. This increases femoral and coronary artery blood flow, with subsequent increases in vascular tone, oxygen consumption and metabolic flexibility.

Considering the many proven benefits of regular exercise, it’s no wonder it is considered ‘medicine’. But if you have a chronic disease or injury, consulting with a qualified exercise physiologist is essential to ensure your safe, effective and sustainable participation in regular physical activity. Whether you’re an athlete wanting to improve performance or someone with a chronic condition, Novita’s accredited Exercise Physiologists can help. Remember, Medicare covers visits to your Exercise Physiologist under the Capacity Building category.

How Exercise Physiology Can Help You

The healthcare profession has long recognised the positive effects of physical activity on health. However, not everyone has the confidence or knowledge to execute an exercise program right. This is where exercise physiologists can help.
